The dedication will be put in the front inside cover of the prayer book. This can be done in memory of, honor of, appreciation of, or in celebration of someone.
One book is $40 and two books are $55. If you dedicate two prayer books, your dedication will appear in one Rosh Hashanah and one Yom Kippur prayer book.
Contribute to 7 HHD Torah covers that have been commissioned.
A dedication of your choosing will be embroidered on the inside of the cover.
We will have 4 that can be purchased in full. The purchase of a HHD Torah cover can be made in installments or full payment due by June 30, 2025. Please contact the office (at or (814) 454-2426) if you would like to purchase a HHD Torah cover as a group.
You may also donate any amount to one community Torah cover that will be dedicated in memory of former member Lisa Chinsky. The donation for this must be paid in full at time of donation and will not be able to opt in for installments. Please contact the office (at or (814) 454-2426) if you would like to contribute towards this HHD Torah cover.